Coast Guard Maritime Commons - Lt. Amy Midgett - MARCH 12, 2020

“'... When Coast Guard marine inspectors go out for a scheduled inspection, or post marine-casualty, part of what their looking for is to ensure the vessel has the equipment required by Subchapter M but also that the crew understands how to use it,” Hnatow said. “Practice makes permanent. The more you practice correctly – whether you have the Coast Guard option or the TSMS option – it’s going to be automatic in the event of an emergency. That’s why our marine inspectors ask those questions.'
In a discussion about the recent CVC policy letter issued on the Coast Guard’s Subchapter M enforcement policy, Hnatow said the Coast Guard marine inspector determines a company’s fleet size information from the Certificate of Documentation, which is based on information provided by the owner/operator during the application process. If vessels in a company’s fleet are listed under different names or different mailing addresses, it will affect the phase in requirement percentage ..."